Storms of all kind come and go at Kodiak Baptist Mission, it's part of our history. The only stable way to get through any of them is total dependance on Jesus Christ.

Being in operation since 1893 has its advantages. While Covid-19 is a new
storm to weather it's one of many throughout the years of Kodiak Baptist
Mission. Tsunami, fire, pandemic, isolation, hunger and more faced the
missionaries then and even today we face these challenges and a smattering
of others. The one thing that has always remained is our constant faith
in Jesus Christ. He and he alone has seen us through and will guide us as
we walk by faith through the struggles of today.
During the early years of Kodiak Baptist Orphanage on Woody Island the
missionaries would say goodbye to the boat in the fall and not have it
return until spring. I have often wondered what that isolation must of
felt like and today we may have a bit of a better idea. Many of us who
have left our homes and families to serve at KBM will not be seeing them
for a very long time. Travel is being cancelled and quarantines set in
place as we all continue to hunker down for this season.
Kodiak Baptist Mission is an American Baptist Home Mission, yet we are
very separated from the rest of the United States and even Alaska. We
often see empty shelves when the weather is consistently bad (over 98% of
everything we have here is imported) and we will go a week or more without
mail, sun and blue skies. I am constantly impressed with the people God
has called to serve here for this time and I know He will continue to
provide for our needs through the faithfulness of his people.
If you want to serve and share the gospel of Jesus Christ on the remote,
beautiful island of Kodiak then give us a call. This is a hard, yet
extremely rewarding work. You will be challenged and grow in amazing
ways. Memories captured here will stick with you forever and the
opportunities to share the love and life of Jesus Christ is our highest
priority (we do this in some very unconventional ways).
Contact Us Today!
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