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Protective Love

Eddie & Fran Campbell

The love for her Cubs is strong with this mom.

With ears pinned back and teeth showing, without fear, she chased off a much bigger bear to protect her babies.

The babies climbed a tree and waited until mom came and sat down under the tree letting them know that all is good.

She is suffering from some kind of growth that looks painful, but she is still doing what moms do, protect and love.

Watching this sow love and protect her cubs, while she is obviously in pain, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus and his love for us. Even on the cross, suffering in pain, he had compassion.

The book of Luke records the love Jesus has for us, even in His pain.

While suffering in pain He still saw the fear of those around and comforted them with His protective loving words. Jesus is love , even in pain.

Luke 23

John 15:13

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”

Just as those cubs have a mom that looks out for them, Kodiak Baptist Mission is grateful beyond words that Jesus —The Son of God, The Word, God- loves us and looks out for us. His love and protection is greater than anything.

We pray for His protection as we serve and offer a place for children to come hear about our great Lord , Our protector.

Thankful for His protection.

Grateful, beyond words.

Thank you, Jesus

Eddy and Fran

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