1 Peter 4:10
Kodiak Baptist Mission is blessed by volunteers that leave their home comfort and come to Kodiak to serve in various ways throughout the year.
Webster describes a volunteer this way- - “One who renders a service or receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration.” God wants us to cheerfully volunteer every good thing He has allowed us to have, such as our time, our energy, our abilities, our talents, and all that we have to serve Him. 1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. There have been countless individuals ,over the years, that have chosen to sacrifice their time, energy, and even finances to serve God at Kodiak Baptist Mission. Serving God allows Him to unlock his potential by showcasing the gifts of those volunteering, in order to glorify God.
Stepping out and choosing to serve helps Kodiak Baptist Mission move forward as we proclaim the name of Jesus. We can’t move forward without the help of volunteers and the gifts that God has so freely given. We need prayer warriors, carpenters, painters, mechanics, electricians ,teachers, encouragers, floor sweepers, grass mowers, ice cream makers, Potato planters, dairy workers, and just extra hands for whatever needs done volunteers. Serving others and glorifying God is ultimately what volunteering is about. God is glorified through the actions and effort given while serving others for His Kingdom. We have seen His potential brought out in every volunteer that has given their time to serve Him at KBM. He has been, and is, and will be, glorified!
We look forward to the summer and pray that you will be able to come and use your gift that God has given you to help move His kingdom forward. We need you! Volunteers are, and have been, a great blessing to Kodiak Baptist Mission. Thank you. We miss you.
Glorifying God. Doing whatever. Moving forward with Jesus.
Ed and Fran Campbell